At AWE Sports Hub, we know how much you want this. To lift that trophy, to get that record, to reach your potential, to be the best. You know what is in you and the heights you can reach.

AWE Sports Hub is a Sports Management Agency committed to helping you reach these heights. We know how much you put into achieving your dreams and we match that to support you on your way. Imagine having the freedom and confidence to play your sport knowing that is all you had to focus on. We take care of the rest.

We work with top level sportspeople across a number of Olympic and World level sports. Our experience is mainly working with individual athletes where we help them create their Dream Team of support, whether it’s in their direct sporting world or their life outside it too.

We are here to help you create A Winning Edge.

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“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek. ”

Mario Andretti


Sponsorship and Endorsement

We aim to build and nurture relationships between our athletes and sponsors to provide financial success for our athletes during their career. Our professional partners ensure that our athletes are legally represented in various areas during their career with us.

Sport Science Support

To create the support you need, we fit our expert practitioners around your existing team. We believe that every athlete should surround themselves with trusted expertise, our partners include world class physiologists, biomechanists, psychologists and specialist doctors.

Brand Management

Your Brand is you. Our experts are here to help you build your brand to attract sponsors and opportunities to build your career. These include Social Media, PR and Media exposure with training available in these areas.

Athlete Welfare

This is crucial. We know how important it is for you to feel supported, safe and have people looking out for your best interest. We have supported athletes’ mental health and wellbeing for over 15 years and our experts will make sure that this is at the centre of our approach with you.

Career Development

We will use our experts to help you navigate the best route through your sports career and also help you look ahead and plan for your future. We can provide a bespoke career development path unique to each athlete, including Media, Coaching and numerous other professions.

Lifestyle Management

Your Sports Career is important to you and we can help you manage the tasks that surround it. Access our range of services including accountants, wealth managers, medical insurance, diary management and travel arrangement.


We know that the relationship between you, the sponsor, and the athlete can be a complex one, however it boils down to one thing, it must work for both of you.

Why get involved?

Our companies that come on board all want one thing, a return on their investment. We will build a package that suits you and aligns with your marketing strategy.

We are here to develop the relationship between you and the athlete as well as delivering marketing promotions. You are also eligible to become a Hub member with unique opportunities and access to select events.

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We offer a number of ways as sponsors to become involved with our athletes. These range from sponsorship packages and endorsement deals, tailor made to suit your budget. Our flexible packages reflect our experience in this space and we know we have the right partnership for you.

Here are three key reasons why sponsorship could work for you.

Brand Awareness

What does your brand say about you? How easy is to recognise? Our athletes are the perfect representatives to create the buzz any business requires to be seen and remembered. Your logo on a shirt at a competition or an athlete’s appearance at an event can help solidify this connection.

Target Marketing

Our sponsors enjoy both the marketing efforts and resources we offer to enhance their product or service. At AWE, we pride ourselves in being able to match you with best athlete or sports person that will benefit you in your market space. With so many brands competing for the same space it is often difficult to be noticed or stand out. We offer this by knowing your brand/product or service and our athletes are matched to suit you both.

Combining Excellence

At AWE, we believe sponsorship offers added value to a brand and can elegantly display your established excellence in your field. Your company values and top level of product or service can be subliminally expressed by linking with our athletes. Our athletes will reflect your values and represent you as they go about their daily activities. A great way for you and the athlete to express your excellence with seamless synergy.